kVA to Amps Conversion Calculator Online

kVA to amps Calculator

kVA or also known as kilovolt-amps is a type of measurement for the electrical circuit apparent power. A single kVA has the equivalent of 1,000 volt-amps. This measurement are typical used for measuring the apparent power in transformers and generators.

On the other hand, amps are a form of measurement for the electrical current within a circuit.

What is the formula for kVA to amps?

In case of single phase = kVA x 1,000 / E

In case of two phase four wire = kVA x 1,000 / E x2

In case of three phase = kVA x 1,000 / E x 1.73

Definition of each element in the calculation

  • kVA (kilovolt ampere) – this is a unit of apparent power that can be found in an electric circuit, with an equivalent of 1,000 volt-amperes. These vol-amperes are especially useful for alternating current (AC) circuits.
  • amps (ampere) – an ampere is a unit of measurement for the rate of electrons that flows or current in a certain electrical conductor. A single ampere of current is equivalent to one coulomb of electrical charge (or 6.24 x 10^18 charge carriers) that moves past a specific point in just one second.
  • E (voltage) – is defined as the electric potential difference, electric tension or electric pressure. It is the difference in the electric potential between two different points.

How to do the calculation?

Single Phase – the current in a single circuit is a ratio of 1,000 multiplied to kVA to voltage = [kVA x 1,000] / E

Example: Determine the amount of electric current that’s flowing through a 200 volt, 5 kVA generator.

Solution: [5 x 1,000] / 200 = 25 A

Two-Phase – in order to calculate two (2) circuits is similar to the first one. The only difference lies on the denominator = [kVA x 1,000] / E x 2

Example: Determine the amperage that passes by a 10 kVA, 2 phase circuit with an operating voltage of 250 V.

Solution: [10 x 1,000] / 250 x 2 = 20 A

Three Phase – lastly, the three-phase kVA is calculated by the ratio of 1,000 multiplied by the kVA to 1.73 times the voltage = [kVA x 1,000] / E x 1.73

Example: A voltage of 400, 5 kVA with 3 phase generator that operates at full load. Determine the current passing through it.

Solution: [5 x 1,000] / 400 x 1.73 = 7.23 A

Important tips & conclusion

The idea of converting kVA to ampere may sound complicated to those people who are unfamiliar with circuits and generator terminologies.

However, as technical as it sounds, calculating a single phase, two (2) phases, and three (3) phases are all actually very simple.

kVA to Amps Conversion Calculator Online

You will just be needing to memorize the simple formula [kVA x 1,000] / E for the single-phase, and change the denominator by E x 2 for the two (2) phase, or change the denominator by E x 1.73 for the three (3) phase.

However, if you’re in a rush or you don’t like the idea of solving, you can use the readily available kVA to amperage conversion chart online. You can also use the online calculator.

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