MHz to Hz Conversion Online Fast and Easy

MHz to Hz Calculator

What is the formula

1 MHz = 10+6 Hz

Definition of each element of the calculation

MHz stands for megahertz and Hz stands for hertz. 10+6 is an exponential representation of how to calculate numbers that have multiple decimal places that are difficult to represent.

A positive number after the 10 means that the decimal place must be moved to the right, increasing the value, whereas a negative number after the 10 means that the decimal place must be moved to the left, decreasing the value.

The small number after the 10 indicates how many places that the decimal must be moved to complete the conversion.

HZ animation

Therefore, 10+6 means that the decimal point in the MHz amount must be moved 6 places to the right to properly convert it to hertz.

10-6 would indicate that the decimal point must be moved 6 places to the left.

How to do the calculation

1 million hertz are contained in a megahertz, so calculating megahertz to hertz would involve moving the decimal place 6 places to the right.

For example, if you want to convert 10 megahertz to hertz, keeping in mind that the decimal is currently located after the last 0 in 10 (10.), the correct answer after moving the decimal point 6 places to the right would be 10,000,000 hertz.

Using the exponential representation, this amount would be shown as 10+7 hertz.

Important tips and warnings

The one tricky aspect of this formula is keeping track of all the decimal places, 6 in all.

Utilizing exponents does ease this process by eliminating the need to copy down several zero’s.


Converting megahertz to hertz is a very easy calculation. Keeping in mind that 1 million hertz are in a megahertz, all that needs to be done is moving the decimal 6 places to the right in the number of the specified megahertz amount.


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MHz to Hz Conversion Online Fast and Easy

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